Expertise for Municipalities Non-Profit Association (E4m)

Our Integrity Commissioner Service

  About the IC

E4m brings a unique element to the role of Integrity Commissioner, as we believe that every municipality requires and deserves an individualized approach to being the best that they can be. We approach every municipality as a new experience because we know that the dynamics and competencies of municipal councils are diverse. We customize our services to the wide range of needs that its members may have while still ensuring that the ethical standards set by Council in their Code of Conduct or other related policies are followed. Our holistic approach emphasizes the importance of personal wellness and growth, of continual learning, and of teamwork.

In order to support and encourage wellness and growth within the sector, we subsidize wellness programs, mentorships, policy drafting workshops, Council Term Plans, one-on-one coaching/mentoring, conflict resolution and municipal efficiency strategies/organizational redesign.  We work directly with Council and members of Local Boards to deliver educational programs that meet their specific needs. We also provide training seminars, support services, and Rent-a-Professional services to support municipalities in transitional times.

On March 1, 2019,the Municipal Act was amended to require that all municipalities adopt a Code of Conduct and a Council/Staff Relations policy, and also that they appoint an Integrity Commissioner. The Municipal Act outlines the role that the Integrity Commissioner is legislated to fill in a municipality. Broadly, the Integrity Commissioner can provide advice or education, as well as information, upon request, to members of Council, Local Boards, and/or members of the public. The Integrity Commissioner can also perform inquiries and make findings as to the Code of Conduct, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA),or other applicable rules or policies.

What to expect when you contact the IC:

When you contact the Integrity Commissioner, we want you to know what to expect. In the flowchart, you will be able to see the key points that follow when you make a request for advice or file a complaint.


To contact the Integrity Commissioner, go to the “Contact the IC” page here on the website.