Expertise for Municipalities Non-Profit Association (E4m)

How We Work With Municipalities…

Working with E4M has been an eye opening experience. As a therapeutic clown my goal is to connect with people to help them dig deeper into their Emotional Intelligence (EQ). E4M recognizes the intersectionalities of stressors that townships and municipalities have in making the day to day operations successful. Allowing municipalities to better use their resources to achieve collaboration and completion in all of their projects. Creating The Hats We Wear: The job in the life of a municipal worker helped me to see the people who make it all happen. In that realization I made a commitment to support those workers to be their best which means a commitment to self awareness, community building and integrity. Thank you E4M for seeing outside the box and problem solving in forward thinking ways.

Kerri Lattimer

The Land, Food, Art will guide you if you are willing to listen.

E4m’s network of municipal and other professionals who apply their skills and expertise in providing the following which are customized according to the specific needs, resources and aspirations of the Municipality:

  • Modernization/Go Forward Strategies
  • Administrative/Organizational Reviews
  • Council Term & Strategic Planning
  • Training and Workshops
  • Rent-a-Professional (Clerk/Treasurer/CAO) Services
  • Policy By-law Drafting/Workshops
  • Mentorship to/Training for Members of Council and Municipal Employees
  • Leadership Development & Team Building
  • Wellness Coaching/Program Development
  • Conflict Resolution/Risk Assessments
  • Leadership & “Team” Building
  • Employee Recruitment Support
  • Workplace Investigations
  • Integrity Commissioner Services
  • Public Education

I am a Staff Member…

A huge “Thank You”, for all that you do for your Municipality. We know that this is often not an easy position, but it can be vastly rewarding at times.

Whether you drive the grader, or are in charge of recreation, the CAO or the Librarian – at times it seems as if you have more bosses than most people do. There are the Ratepayers, the Sidewalk inspectors, the Councillors, and of course, the Mayor. This can make you feel like the peanut butter in what can often be a very uncomfortable sandwich. Always remember, you have one supervisor, one boss, who also may have a boss as you move up the line that you ultimately a

nswer to. But that stops at the CAO. Make sure you are clear on who these people are and who you should and should not take direction from.

Many working in the Municipal sector have never had to experience negative feedback from others. You may have great work satisfaction and a good income, as well as feeling liked by those around you. We hope that you have one or all these things. But then there’s the reality that this is not likely the case. Municipal Staff are often bullied. They are harassed and accused of not working hard enough and often micro-managed – by everyone!! We applaud you for sticking it out.

Some little-known facts about Municipal Staff:

    • You all work harder than your ratepayers, Mayor, and Council will ever know.
    • You often don’t have time to utilize your overtime or vacation time.
    • You often feel underappreciated and even misunderstood.
    • You are yelled at by ratepayers and sometimes by Council without much protection with the excuse of: “We pay your salary”.

The successful Municipal Staff member is one with a positive attitude and the gift of letting the unnecessary ‘nastiness’ roll off your back.

A positive attitude is a choice we make daily, it is often not in our nature, or what we experienced growing up. Adopting a positive attitude is a practice. A daily practice can change your entire perception.

How do we do this:

  • Greet each day with gratitude
  • Enjoy the beauty of the beautiful land we live on
  • Know there are some truly amazing people in our lives

Live this attitude and each day becomes easier, more rewarding and will guide you in your work and all other aspects of your life.


Quotes on Attitude:

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results.
~ Wade Boggs

Take charge of your attitude.
Don’t let someone else choose it for you.
~ Dale Carnegie

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
~ Norman Vincent Peale

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.
~ Brian Tracy

The Foundations of Good Governance Include…

• Desire to Serve as Opposed to the Desire to Only Serve Oneself
• Respect for the Municipal Level of Government
• Understanding the Difference Between Governance and Administration/Operations.
• Adopting/Consistently Implementing the Right Policies
• Having a Vision/Plan
• Hiring the Right People and Giving Them the Right Tools
• Engaging Citizens
• Evaluation and Continuous Improvement


The Key Issues We See…

  • Divided Council – In-fighting between staff
  • Staff Speaking Badly About Other Staff
  • Poor Management-Staff Relations
  • Council Wants to Fire the Senior Administrator who you like.
  • Council wants to fire Staff and/or doesn’t like certain staff members
  • Allegations of Workplace Harassment
  • Multiple Staff Resignations/Stress Leaves
  • Micromanagement by Council or the Senior Administrator
  • Negative Press
  • Multiple Complaints to the Integrity Commissioner


The More Specific Problems/Dysfunctions…

  • Lack of Respect Between Members of Council and Staff
  • Unwillingness to Accept the Decisions of Council by Staff
  • Unwillingness to Respect the Role of Council and/or Officers/Employees
  • Personal Agendas
  • Lack of Self-Awareness
  • Poor Communication skills
  • Misunderstanding of Staff Members’ roles
  • Reporting to a Senior Administrator Who is Not the Right Fit
  • Reporting to a Senior Administrator Who Doesn’t Understand their Role and Council’s Role
  • Poor Performance Management Practices
  • Lack of Focus (no Council Term Plan or Community Strategic Plan) and staff unable to complete the tasks set out for them
  • Backstabbing
  • Poor or Non-Existent Policies/Failure to Follow Policies
  • Inability to Adapt to Change – Our world and how we do things is rapidly changing. Communities that do not adapt to this change will be less likely to thrive……

How We Work with Municipalities…

E4m’s network of municipal and other professionals apply their skills and expertise in providing the following which are customized according to the specific needs, resources, and aspirations of the Municipality:

Modernization/Go Forward Strategies
Administrative/Organizational Reviews
Council Term & Strategic Planning
Training and Workshops
Rent-a-Professional (Clerk/Treasurer/CAO) Services
Policy By-law Drafting/Workshops
Coaching, Mentorship/Training for Members of Council and Municipal Employees
Wellness Coaching/Program Development
Conflict Resolution/Risk Assessments
Leadership & “Team” Building
Employee Recruitment Support
Workplace Investigations
Integrity Commissioner Services
Public Education

E4m is able to provide comprehensive services through our connection with an extensive network of municipal experts based here in Ontario.